Mars FSPMI Kami buruh fspmi Berjuang di sini karena hati kami Bukan karena digaji atau ingin dipuji Kami berjuang karena hak asasi Kami buruh fspmi Siang malam tetap mengabdi Tak peduli hujan tak peduli panas Susah senang ya solidarity Reff: Di sini bukan tempat buruh malas Atau mereka yang biasa tidur pulas Di sini tempatnya para pejuang Yang berjuang dengan keikhlasan Lawan lawan lawan lawan lawan Lawan lawan lawan sampai menang Satu komando wujud kekompakan Sabar dan loyal itu kewajiban Sekuat mental baja sukarela berkorban Berjuang dalam satu barisan Solidarity forever Solidarity forever Solidarity forever For the union make us strong.

Selasa, 14 Mei 2013

Daftar Anggota Affiliasi IMF Di Seluruh Dunia – 102 negara

Daftar Anggota Affiliasi IMF Di Seluruh Dunia – 102 negara


No Negara JML SP Nama Serikat Pekerja
1 Angola 1 National Federation of Workers in Metal, Energy, Chemical Industries
in Angola – FSIMEQ
2 Argentina 3 Asociación Obrera Minera Argentina – AOMA

Asociación de Supervisores de la Industria Metalmecánica de la
Republica Argentina – ASIMRA

Unión Obrera Metalúrgica – UOM
3 Armenia 1 Republican Branch Union of Machine and
Instrument-Making Workers of Republic of Armenia
4 Australia 3 Communications, Electrical, Electronic, Energy, Information, Postal,
Plumbing and Allied Services Union of Australia – CEPU

The Australian Workers’ Union

Australian Manufacturing Workers’ Union – AMWU
5 Austria 1 Gewerkschaft PRO-GE
6 Bangladesh 2 Bangladesh Metalworkers’ Federation

Bangladesh Metalworkers’ League – BML
7 Belarus 2 REPAM – Trade Union of Workers of Radio &
Electronics Industry, Automobile Machinery,
Metalworking Industry and Other Branches of the National Economy

Free Metalworkers’ Union – SPM
8 Belgium 6 Algemeen Belgisch Vakverbond – ABVV-Metaal


Landelijke Bedienden Centrale – Nationaal
Verbond voor Kaderpersoneel – LBC-NVK

SETCA-BBTK Syndicat des Employés,
Techniciens et Cadres de Belgique

Centrale Nationale des Employés – CNE

Métallurgistes Wallonie Bruxelles (MWB-FGTB)
9 Bosnia-Herzegovina 2 Metalworkers’ and Miners’ Union of Republika
Srpska – MMU

Trade Union of Metalworkers – TUM
10 Brazil 2 Confederação Nacional dos Trabalhadores Metalúrgicos – CNTM

Confederação Nacional dos Metalúrgicos – CNM/CUT
11 Bulgaria 4 Syndical Federation of Machinebuilders and Metalworkers -

Fédération Nationale Syndicale – ‘Metal-Electro’ – FNS

Federation of Metallurgy – CL PODKREPA

Trade Union – ‘Metalicy’
12 Cameroon 1 Union des Syndicats des Travailleurs des Industries de
Transformation de Cameroun – USTIC
13 Canada 3 National Automobile, Aerospace, Transportation and General
Workers’ Union of Canada (CAW-Canada) Syndicat National de l’Automobile, de l’Aérospatiale, du Transport et des Autres Travailleurs et Travailleuses du Canada (TCA-Canada)

International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers

United Steel, Paper and Forestry, Rubber, Manufacturing,Energy,
Allied Industrial and Service Workers International Union
(United Steelworkers – USW) Syndicat international des
travailleurs unis de la métallurgie,du papier et de la foresterie, du caoutchouc, de la fabrication,de l’énergie, des services et industries connexes (Syndicat des Métallos – MÉTALLOS)
15 Chile 4 Federación de Trabajadores del Cobre – FTC

Confederación Nacional de Trabajadores Metalúrgicos – CONSTRAMET

Sindicato de Trabajadores del Establecimiento Huachipato de la
Compañia de Acero del Pacífico, S.A.

Federación y Confederación Nacional de Trabajadores
Electrometalúrgicos, Mineros y Automotrices – CONSFETEMA
16 China, Republic (Taiwan) 1 IMF Republic of China Committee
17 Colombia 2 Federación de Trabajadores de las Industrias Metalúrgicas, Eléctricas yMecánicas de Colombia – FETRAMECOL

Unión de Trabajadores Metalúrgicos y Mineros de Colombia – Utrammicol
18 Congo Republic 1 Conseil des Syndicats Congolais de la Métallurgie – CSC
(Council of Metalworkers’ Unions of D.R. of Congo)
19 Croatia 1 Metal Workers’ Trade Union of Croatia
20 Curacao 2 Curacao Federation of Workers – CFW

Union General Trahado di Korsou – UGTK / CADMU
21 Cyprus 1 Cyprus Industrial Workers’ Federation – OVIEK-SEK
22 Czech Republic 1 Metalworkers’ Federation in the Czech Republic – OS KOVO
23 Denmark 2 Centralorganisationen af industriansatte i Danmark – CO-industri

Danish Society of Engineers – IDA
24 Dominican Republic 1 Federación Nacional de Trabajadores Mineros y Metalúrgicos – FENATRAMIM
25 Estonia 1 Eesti Metallitöötajate Ametiühing (Estonian Metalworkers’ Federation)
26 Fiji 1 National Union of Factory & Commercial Workers
27 Finland 5 Metallityöväen Liitto r.y. (Finnish Metalworkers’ Union)


Tekniikan Akateemisten Liitto – TEK

Uusi Insinööriliitto UIL ry (Union of Professional Engineers in Finland)

Sähköalojen ammattiliitto r.y. (Finnish Electrical Workers’ Union)
28 France 5 Fédération Confédérée “Force Ouvrière” de la Métallurgie – FO

Fédération Générale des Mines et de la Métallurgie – FGMM-CFDT

Fédération des Travailleurs de la Métallurgie – CGT

Fédération Nationale CFTC des Syndicats de la Métallurgie et Parties Similaires

Fédération de la Métallurgie CFE-CGC
29 Germany 1 Industriegewerkschaft Metall – IG METALL
30 Ghana 1 Industrial & Commercial Workers’ Union – ICU
31 Greece 2 Fédération des Électrotechniciens Grecs

Panhellenic Metalworkers’ Federation (POEM)
32 Guatemala 1 Federación de Trabajadores de la Metal-Mecánica de Guatemala – FETRAMEGUA
33 Guinea 1 Forum InterSyndical de Sociétés Minières et Industrielles de Guinée – FISMIG
34 Honduras 1 Federación de Trabajadores Mineros y Metalúrgicos de Honduras – FETRAMIMH
35 Hong Kong 1 Committee of Metal Industry Unions
36 Hungary 1 Federation of Hungarian Metalworkers’ Union – VASAS
37 Iceland 1 Samidn, Samband Idnfelaga
38 India 9 SKF Bearing India Employees’ Union

Indian National Metalworkers’ Federation – INMF

Simpson Group Companies Workers & Staff Union

Sandvik Asia Employees’ Union

Steel, Metal & Engineering Workers’ Federation of India

Indian National Mineworkers’ Federation

Atlas Copco Employees’ Federation

Working People Trade Union Council

Shramik Ekta Mahasangh (SEM)
39 Indonesia 2 Federasi Serikat Pekerja Metal Indonesia – FSPMI (Federation of Indonesian Metal Workers’ Union)

Federation of Metal, Machine and Electronic Workers (Lomenik-SBSI)
40 Ireland 1 Services Industrial Professional Technical Union – SIPTU
41 Israel 1 National Union of Metal, Electric & Electronic Workers
42 Italy 3 FIOM-CGIL


Unione Italiana Lavoratori Metalmeccanici – UILM
43 Japan 1 Japan Council of Metalworkers’ Unions – IMF-JC
44 Kenya 2 Amalgamated Union of Kenya Metalworkers

Kenya Engineering Workers’ Union – KEWU
45 Korea (South) 2 Federation of Korean Metalworkers’ Trade Unions – FKMTU

Korean Metal Workers’ Union – KMWU
46 Kosovo – UNMIK Administration 1 Independent Trade Union of Metalworkers of Kosovo – SPMK
47 Kyrgyzstan 1 Mining and Metallurgy Trade Union of Kyrgyzstan – MMTUK
48 Liberia 1 Metal, Mechanic, Electrical, Communications & Allied Workers’ Union
49 Lithuania 1 Lithuanian Metalworkers’ Trade Union
50 Luxembourg 1 Onofhängege Gewerkschaftsbond Lëtzebuerg – OGB-L
51 Macedonia 1 Trade Union of Metal & Energy Workers and Miners of Macedonia – SIER
52 Malawi 1 Building Construction, Civil Engineering and Allied Workers Union – BCCEAWU
53 Malaysia 1 IMF Malaysian Council
54 Malta 1 General Workers’ Union
55 Mauritius 2 The Artisans & General Workers’ Union

Electrical and Mechanical Workers’ Union (Textiles Industries Staff and
Workers’ Unions)
56 Mexico 5 Sindicato de Trabajadores de la Industria Metal-Mecánica, Automotriz,
Similares y Conexos de la República Mexicana – SITIMM

Sindicato Nacional de Trabajadores de Teleindustrias y Sistemas Digitales de
la Republica Mexicana

Sindicato Nacional de Trabajadores Mineros, Metalúrgicos y Similares de la
República Mexicana – SNTMMSRM

Sindicato Progresista de Obreros y Empleados de la Industria de la Extracción,
Fundición y Fabricación de Metales, del Hierro, Autopartes, sus Similares y Derivados de la Repúblicana Mexicana

Sindicato de Trabajadores de la Industria Metalica, (STIMAHC) Acero, Hierro,
Conexos y Similares – STIMAHC
57 Moldavia 1 Fédération Nationale des Syndicats des Branches de Transformation du Métal
de la République de Moldova – FNSM
58 Montenegro 1 Free Trade Union of Metalworkers of Montenegro – FTUM
59 Morocco 1 Syndicat National des Travailleurs des Industries Métallurgiques, Mécaniques,
Electriques et Electroniques – SNTIMMEE-CDT
60 Mozambique 1 Sindicato Nacional dos Trabalhadores da Indústria Metalúrgica
Metalomecánica e Energia – SINTIME
61 Namibia 1 Metal and Allied Namibian Workers’ Union – MANWU
62 Nepal 3 Nepal Factory Labour Union – NFLU

Nepal Auto Mechanics Trade Union – NATU

All Nepal Federation of Trade Unions – ANTUF
63 Netherlands 3 FNV-Bondgenoten

CNV Vakmensen

De UNIE – Vakbond voor Industrie en Dienstverlening
64 New Caledonia 1 Syndicat des Ouvriers et Employés de la Nouvelle-Calédonie
65 New Zealand 1 New Zealand Engineering, Printing & Manufacturing Union Incorporated
66 Norway 4 Fellesforbundet

Handel og Kontor i Norge

Norwegian Society of Engineers and Technologists – NITO

Norwegian Society of Graduate Technical and Scientific Professionals – TEKNA
67 Pakistan 2 Pakistan Metal Workers’ Federation

National Trade Union Federation – NTUF
68 Palestine 1 General Union of Mechanical Engineering & Electrical Workers
69 Panama 1 Federación Nacional de Trabajadores Metalúrgicos y Afines de Panamá -
70 Paraguay 1 Federación de Trabajadores Metalúrgicos del Paraguay – FETRAMPAR
71 Peru 1 Federación Nacional de las Actividades Mineras, (FENA-PERU) Energéticas,
Petroleras, Siderurgicas y Complementarias del Perú – FENAMEPSICOP
72 Philippines 2 Metalworkers Alliance of the Philippines – MWAP

Philippine Metalworkers’ Alliance – PMA
73 Poland 1 Metalworkers Secretariat – NSZZ “Solidarnosc”
74 Portugal 1 Sindicato das Industrias Metalurgicas e Afins – SIMA
75 Romania 2 Federatia Sindicala METAROM – FS METAROM (Trade Union Federation METAROM)

FNS Solidaritatea Metal – SMETAL
76 Russia 7 Miners & Metallurgical Workers’ Union of Russia – MMWU

Automobile and Farm Machinery Workers’ Union – AFW

Engineering Workers’ Union of Russia – EWU

Shipbuilding Workers’ Union of Russia

Russian Radio-Electronic Industry Workers’ Union – REIWU

Russian Aircraft Industry Workers’ Trade Union “Profavia”

Russian Interregional Trade Union of Autoworkers – ITUA
77 Serbia 2 Autonomous Metalworkers’ Union of Serbia – AMUS

Industrijski Sindikat Srbije – ISS (Metals Industry Committee of Industrial Union
of Serbia)
78 Sierra Leone 1 Artisans, Public Works and Services Employees’ Union
79 Singapore 7 IMF Singapore Council

Metal Industries Workers’ Union

Sembawang Shipyard Employees’ Union

Shipbuilding and Marine Engineering Employees’ Union – SMEEU

Keppel Employees’ Union

United Workers of Electronic and Electrical Industries

Keppel Fels Employees’ Union
80 Slovak Republic 1 Metalworkers’ Federation KOVO in the Slovak Republic
81 Slovenia 1 Sindikat Kovinske in Elektroindustrije Slovenije – SKEI
82 South Africa 2 National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa – NUMSA

83 Spain 3 Federación del Metal del Sindicato ELA (ELA-Metala)

Federación del Metal, Construcción y Afines de UGT – (MCA-UGT)

Federación de Industria de CC.OO
84 Sri Lanka 2 Sri Lanka Nidahas Sewaka Sangamaya

National Union of Metal and Migrant Workers in Sri Lanka – NUMMS
85 Surinam 1 Suriname Bauxite Mine and Metal Workers’ Federation
86 Swaziland 1 Swaziland Amalgamated Trade Unions (SATU)
87 Sweden 3 Unionen

Industrifacket Metall (IF Metall)

Sveriges Ingenjörer (Swedish Association of Graduate Engineers)
88 Switzerland 2 UNIA

Syndicat Interprofessionel – SYNA
89 Tanzania 1 Tanzania Union of Industrial and Commercial Workers – TUICO
90 Thailand 1 Confederation of Thai Electrical Appliances, Electronic, Automobile and
Metalworkers – TEAM
91 Trinidad and Tobago 2 Seamen & Waterfront Workers’ Trade Union

Steel Workers’ Union of Trinidad & Tobago
92 Tunisia 1 Fédération Générale de la Métallurgie et de l’Electronique – UGTT
93 Turkey 3 Birlesik Metal-IS

Türkiye DOK, GEMI-IS

ÇELIK-IS Iron, Steel, Metal and Metallic Products Workers’ Union
94 Uganda 2 National Union of Clerical, Commercial, Professional & Technical Employees

Uganda Mines, Metal, Oil, Gas & Allied Workers’ Union
95 Ukraine 6 Automobile and Agricultural Machinery Workers’ Union of Ukraine

Radio Electronics and Mechanical Engineering Workers’ Trade Union

Trade Union of Defence Industry Workers

Trade Union of Aircraft Builders of Ukraine

Ukrainian Machinebuilding and Metalworking Union “Machmetall”

Metallurgical and Mining Industry Workers’ Union of Ukraine – MMIWU
96 United Kingdom 1 British Section of the IMF
97 Uruguay 1 Unión Nacional de Trabajadores del Metal y Ramas Afines
98 USA 8 International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers – IAMAW

International Brotherhood of Boilermakers, Iron Shipbuilders, Blacksmiths,
Forgers and Helpers

Sheet Metal Workers’ International Association

United Steelworkers – USW

International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace & Agricultural Implement
Workers of America – UAW

Communications Workers of America – CWA

International Union of Elevator Constructors – IUEC

International Union of Electronic, Electrical, Salaried, Machine and Furniture
Workers – Communications Workers of America – IUE-CWA
99 Venezuela 1 Federación de Trabajadores Metalúrgicos, Mineros, Mecánicos y sus Similares
de Venezuela – FETRAMETAL
100 Vietnam 1 Vietnam National Union of Workers in Industry and Trade (VUIT)
101 Zambia 1 National Union of Building, Engineering and General Workers – NUBEGW
102 Zimbabwe 1 National Engineering Workers Union – NEWU

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